Open-source News

Rust-Written Replacement To GNU Coreutils Progressing, Some Binaries Now Faster

Phoronix - Sat, 01/29/2022 - 20:52
Along with the broader industry trend of transitioning security-sensitive code to memory-safe languages like Rust, there has been an effort to write a Rust-based replacement to GNU Coreutils. For nearly a year that Rust Coreutils has been able to run a basic Debian system while more recently they have been increasing their level of GNU Coreutils compatibility and in some cases now even outperforming the upstream project...

NIR Continues Successfully Serving The Needs Of Mesa, Better Suited Than LLVM

Phoronix - Sat, 01/29/2022 - 20:15
Prominent Mesa developer Jason Ekstrand who formerly led Intel's "ANV" Vulkan driver effort and being one of their open-source driver developers originally involved with the NIR intermediate representation work wrote a detailed and excellent blog post outlining its successes eight years running. While it still gets brought up into discussions from time to time (including quite recently stemming from a RISC-V graphics thread) why Mesa doesn't use LLVM IR or SPIR-V directly as its intermediate representation, NIR continues as a striking success and used by all major Mesa drivers...

Zstd-Compressed Linux Firmware Back To Being Eyed

Phoronix - Sat, 01/29/2022 - 18:56
Back in summer 2020 was a proposal for Zstd-compressed Linux firmware so that the growing number of firmware binaries shipped by the linux-firmware tree could be Zstd-compressed to save disk space while being able to more quickly decompressed the data compared to other firmware compression options...

Wine-Staging 7.1 Adds Bindless Textures Patch To Fix Some Game Rendering Issues

Phoronix - Sat, 01/29/2022 - 18:41
Along with Wine 7.1 releasing on Friday, Wine-Staging 7.1 is also available as the more bleeding-edge version of Wine that carries more than five huundred extra patches atop the code-base...

KDE Plasma 5.24 Getting Ready For Release, More Wayland Fixes Merged

Phoronix - Sat, 01/29/2022 - 18:30
KDE developers have been very busy this month working up to the Plasma 5.24 LTS release in February. Plus with the 15 minute bug initiative underway and working to address remaining issues with the Plasma Wayland session, it's been a busy start of 2022...
