Open-source News

Intel Diamond Rapids Switches To "Family 19" In Ending Intel Family 6 CPU Era

Phoronix - Tue, 09/24/2024 - 02:15
Months ago Intel Linux engineers began adapting the Linux kernel to end the assumptions made around "Family 6" for Intel CPUs that had been used since the 90's with the Pentium Pro as the CPU family ID. With Linux 6.12 they finished the Intel CPU family/model ID restructuring and now we have the first patch confirming a post-Family 6 Intel CPU: Diamond Rapids is Family 19...

AMD HIP RT 2.4 Brings H-PLOC & New Graphics Architecture Support

Phoronix - Mon, 09/23/2024 - 22:20
AMD's GPUOpen team has released HIP RT 2.4 as the newest version of this open-source ray-tracing library built atop their HIP interface...

vDSO getrandom() Ported To Five More CPU Architectures With Linux 6.12

Phoronix - Mon, 09/23/2024 - 22:04
Linux 6.11 introduced the getrandom() in the vDSO support for faster yet secure user-space random number generation needs. Initially that was focused on Linux x86_64 while for Linux 6.12 is ported to five more architectures...
