Open-source News

Microsoft + Oculus Shipping First Conformant OpenXR 1.0 Implementations

Phoronix - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 21:24
The Khronos Group announced this morning that Microsoft and Oculus are the first two companies shipping conformant OpenXR 1.0 implementations...

GNOME OS Images Available For Testing

Phoronix - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 21:13
GNOME OS as the Linux build with bleeding edge GNOME software for testing continues taking shape and a call for testing has been issued...

Proposed GNOME Patches Would Switch To Triple Buffering When The GPU Is Running Behind

Phoronix - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 19:07
The latest GNOME performance work being explored is effectively how to make the Intel graphics clock speed ramp up quicker when necessary. Canonical developer Daniel van Vugt is working on a set of patches for enabling triple buffering with Mutter when the GPU starts falling behind and that additional rendering work in turn should ramp up Intel GPUs to their optimal frequency in order to smooth out the performance...

Rust-Written Redox OS Now Supports GDB Debugging

Phoronix - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 18:39
For helping to debug more issues within the Rust-written Redox operating system, the GNU Debugger (GDB) is beginning to work well on the platform...

How to Install WordPress with Nginx on Debian and Ubuntu

Tecmint - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 16:11
NGINX (pronounced engine-x) is an open-source powerful, light, and flexible HTTP server that has increased in popularity in last years and now is the main server interface that powers some of the most huge-traffic

Linux To Allow Limiting Tiger Lake SoC PL4 Package Maximum Power Limit

Phoronix - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 15:48
Intel has been preparing "Power Limit4" support for their Linux PowerCap driver that is being rolled out for the forthcoming Tiger Lake SoCs...

How to create a documentation site with Docsify and GitHub Pages - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 15:01

Documentation is an essential part of making any open source project useful to users. But it's not always developers' top priority, as they may be more focused on making their application better than on helping people use it. This is why making it easier to publish documentation is so valuable to developers. In this tutorial, I'll show you one option for doing so: combining the Docsify documentation generator with GitHub Pages

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Why now is the best time to use GNOME - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 15:00

The GNOME desktop environment has been through many changes since its initial release in March 1999. For most of this time, the open source project has issued updates twice a year, which gives users predictability in when they can expect new features to land on their Linux and other Unix-like desktops. Its latest release, GNOME 3.36, came out in March, and the project is preparing to issue its next iteration in September. To learn about what's new in GNOME, I spoke with Emmanuele Bassi.

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Cctv on ubuntu - NewsWhistle

Google News - Tue, 07/28/2020 - 13:06
Cctv on ubuntu  NewsWhistle
