Open-source News

Blender 3.5 Boasts Working Apple Metal Backend, Vulkan Still In Early Stages

Phoronix - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 19:51
In addition to Blender's back-ends for NVIDIA CUDA and OptiX, Intel oneAPI, and AMD HIP, Blender 3.5 is set to have a working Apple Metal back-end for that proprietary graphics/compute API with accelerated UI/viewport handling to complement the Metal Cycles support...

XFS Progressing On Defragmenting Free Space - Needed For Online Shrinking

Phoronix - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 19:03
As part of a New Year's Eve patch deluge, XFS developer Darrick Wong sent out patches working on free space defragmenting support, among other work for further enhancing this mature open-source file-system...

Dynamic Triple Buffering Hopefully Will Land For GNOME 44

Phoronix - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 18:48
For over two years Canonical has been working on dynamic triple buffering for the GNOME desktop with the Mutter compositor. This triple-buffering-when-needed can dramatically boost the desktop performance especially in cases like Intel integrated graphics and Raspberry Pi boards. The triple buffering work hasn't been upstreamed yet but the hope is that it may finally be ready for upstream inclusion with GNOME 44...

RISC-V Hibernation Support / Suspend-To-Disk Nears The Linux Kernel

Phoronix - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 18:24
While the open RISC-V processor architecture has proven to be highly successful, one of the features that it hasn't yet supported with the Linux kernel to this point has been system hibernation / suspend-to-resume, but that support is now on the way...

Learn the Ada programming language by writing a simple game - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 16:00
Learn the Ada programming language by writing a simple game Moshe Zadka Mon, 01/09/2023 - 03:00

When you want to learn a new programming language, it's good to focus on the things programming languages have in common:

  • Variables
  • Expressions
  • Statements

These concepts are the basis of most programming languages. Once you understand them, you can start figuring out the rest. Because programming languages usually share similarities, once you know one language, you can learn the basics of another by understanding its differences.

A good way to learn new languages is practicing with a standard program. This allows you to focus on the language, not the program's logic. I'm doing that in this article series using a "guess the number" program, in which the computer picks a number between one and 100 and asks you to guess it. The program loops until you guess the number correctly.

This program exercises several concepts in programming languages:

  • Variables
  • Input
  • Output
  • Conditional evaluation
  • Loops

It's a great practical experiment to learn a new programming language.

Install Ada

The Ada programming language is a unique and highly structured language with a dedicated developer base. The toolchain for Ada is the GNU Ada Development Environment, better known as GNAT.

You can install GNAT on Linux using your distribution's package manager. On Fedora, CentOS, or similar:

$ sudo dnf install gcc-gnat

On Debian, Linux Mint, and derivatives:

$ sudo apt install gnat

On macOS and Windows, you can download an installer from the Adacore website (choose your platform from the drop-down menu).

Guess the number in Ada

Create a file called game.adb.

The two built-in Ada libraries this program uses are Text_IO and Numerics.Discrete_Random:

with Ada.Text_IO;

use Ada.Text_IO;

with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;Procedure head

The name of the procedure must match the name of the file. The first part is defining the variables.

Note that the discrete_random is specialized to a specific range. In this case, the range of numbers allowed:

procedure Game is
   type randRange is range 1..100;
   package Rand_Int is new ada.numerics.discrete_random(randRange);
   use Rand_Int;
   gen : Generator;
   num : randRange;
   incorrect: Boolean := True;
   guess: randRange;

Programming and development Red Hat Developers Blog Programming cheat sheets Try for free: Red Hat Learning Subscription eBook: An introduction to programming with Bash Bash shell scripting cheat sheet eBook: Modernizing Enterprise Java An open source developer's guide to building applications Procedure logic

The logic starts by reset(gen). This initializes the random number generator, ensuring the number, initialized with random(gen), will be different each time you run the program.

The next step is to run the loop:

  • Output the instructions for a guess
  • Read the line
  • Convert it to randRange
  • Check it against the number

If the number matches, incorrect is set to False, causing the next iteration of the loop to exit.

Finally, the program prints a confirmation of the guess correctness before exiting:

   num := random(gen);
   while incorrect loop
       Put_Line ("Guess a number between 1 and 100");
          guess_str : String := Get_Line (Current_Input);
          guess := randRange'Value (guess_str);
       if guess < num then
           Put_line("Too low");
       elsif guess > num then
           Put_line("Too high");
           incorrect := False;
       end if;
   end loop;
   Put_line("That's right");
end Game;Build the program

The easiest way to compile an Ada program is to use gnatmake:

$ gnatmake game.adb
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-10 -c game.adb
aarch64-linux-gnu-gnatbind-10 -x game.ali
aarch64-linux-gnu-gnatlink-10 game.ali

This generates a binary called game.

Run the program

Each run of the program will be a little different. This is one example:

$ ./game 
Guess a number between 1 and 100
Too low
Guess a number between 1 and 100
Too low
Guess a number between 1 and 100
Too low
Guess a number between 1 and 100
Too high
Guess a number between 1 and 100
Too low
Guess a number between 1 and 100
That's rightLearn Ada

This "guess the number" game is a great introductory program for learning a new programming language because it exercises several common programming concepts in a pretty straightforward way. By implementing this simple game in different programming languages, you can demonstrate some core concepts of the languages and compare their details.

Do you have a favorite programming language? How would you write the "guess the number" game in it? Follow this article series to see examples of other programming languages that might interest you!

This "guess the number" game is a great introductory program for learning a new programming language because it exercises several common programming concepts in a pretty straightforward way.

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Programming What to read next This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License. Register or Login to post a comment.

Use this open source API gateway to scale your API - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 16:00
Use this open source API gateway to scale your API iambobur Mon, 01/09/2023 - 03:00

An API gateway is a single point of entry for incoming calls to an application programming interface (API). The gateway aggregates the services being requested and then returns the appropriate response. To make your API gateway effective, it's vital for you to design a reliable, efficient, and simple API. This is an architectural puzzle, but it's one you can solve as long as you understand the most important components.

API-Led approach

An API-Led approach puts an API at the heart of communication between applications and the business capabilities they need to access in order to consistently deliver seamless functionality across all digital channels. API-Led connectivity refers to the technique of using a reusable and well-designed API to link data and applications.

API-Led architecture

API-Led architecture is an architectural approach that looks at the best ways of reusing an API. API-Led architecture addresses things like:

  • Protecting an API from unauthorized access.
  • Ensuring that consuming applications can always find the right API endpoint.
  • Throttling or limiting the number of calls made to an API to ensure continuous availability.
  • Supporting continuous integration, testing, lifecycle management, monitoring, operations, and so on.
  • Preventing error propagation across the stack.
  • Real-time monitoring of an API with rich analytics and insight.
  • Implementing scalable and flexible business capabilities (for example, supporting a microservice architecture.)
API resource routing

Implementing an API gateway as the single entry point to all services means that API consumers only have to be aware of one URL. It becomes the API gateway's responsibility to route traffic to the corresponding service endpoints, and to enforce policies.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

This reduces complexity on the API consumer side because the client applications don't need to consume functionality from multiple HTTP endpoints. There's also no need to implement a separate layer for authentication, authorization, throttling, and rate limiting for each service. Most API gateways, like the open source Apache APISIX project, already have these core features built in.

API content-based routing

A content-based routing mechanism also uses an API gateway to route calls based on the content of a request. For example, a request might be routed based on the HTTP header or message body instead of just its target URI.

Consider a scenario when database sharding is applied in order to distribute the load across multiple database instances. This technique is typically applied when the overall number of records stored is huge and a single instance struggles to manage the load.

A better solution is to spread records across multiple database instances. Then you implement multiple services, one for each unique datastore, and adopt an API gateway as the only entry point to all services. You can then configure your API gateway to route calls to the corresponding service based on a key obtained either from the HTTP header or the payload.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

In the above diagram, an API gateway is exposing a single /customers resource for multiple customer services, each with a different data store.

API geo-routing

An API geo-routing solution routes an API call to the nearest API gateway based on its origin. In order to prevent latency issues due to distance (for example, a consuming application from Asia calling an API located in North America), you can deploy an API gateway in multiple regions across the world. You can use a different subdomain for each API gateway in each region, letting the consuming application determine the nearest gateway based on application logic. Then, an API gateway provides internal load balancing to make sure that incoming requests are distributed across available instances.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

It's common to use a DNS traffic management service and an API gateway to resolve each subdomain against the region's load balancer to target the nearest gateway.

API aggregator

This technique performs operations (for example, queries) against multiple services, and returns the result to the client service with a single HTTP response. Instead of having a client application make several calls to multiple APIs, an API aggregator uses an API gateway to do this on behalf of the consumer on the server side.

Suppose you have a mobile app that makes multiple calls to different APIs. This increases complexity in the client-side code, it causes over-utilization of network resources, and produces a poor user experience due to increased latency. An API gateway can accept all information required as input, and can request authentication and validation, and understand the data structures from each API it interacts with. It's also capable of transforming the response payloads so they can be sent back to the mobile app as a uniform payload needed for the consumer.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

API centralized authentication

In this design, an API gateway acts as a centralized authentication gateway. As an authenticator, an API gateway looks for access credentials in the HTTP header (such as a bearer token.) It then implements business logic that validates those credentials with an identity provider.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Centralized authentication with an API gateway can solve many problems. It completely offloads user management from an application, improving performance by responding quickly to authentication requests received from client applications. Apache APISIX offers a variety of plugins to enable different methods of API gateway authentication.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

API format conversion

API format conversion is the ability to convert payloads from one format to another over the same transport. For example, you can transfer from XML/SOAP over HTTPS to JSON over HTTPS, and back again. An API gateway offers capabilities in support of a REST API and can do payload conversions and transport conversions. For instance, a gateway can convert from a message queue telemetry transport (MQTT) over TCP (a very popular transport in IoT) to JSON over HTTPS.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Apache APISIX is able to receive an HTTP request, transcode it, and then forward it to a gRPC service. It gets the response and returns it back to the client in HTTP format by means of its gRPC Transcode plug-in.

More on Microservices Microservices cheat sheet How to explain microservices to your CEO Free eBook: Microservices vs. service-oriented architecture Free online course: Developing cloud-native applications with microservices arc… Latest microservices articles API observability

By now, you know that an API gateway offers a central control point for incoming traffic to a variety of destinations. But it can also be a central point for observation, because it's uniquely qualified to monitor all traffic moving between the client and service networks. You can adjust an API gateway so that the data (structured logs, metrics, and traces) can be collected for use with specialized monitoring tools.

Apache APISIX provides pre-built connectors so you can integrate with external monitoring tools. You can leverage these connectors to collect log data from your API gateway to further derive useful metrics and gain complete visibility into how your services are being used. You can also manage the performance and security of your API in your environment.

API caching

API caching is usually implemented inside the API gateway. It can reduce the number of calls made to your endpoint, and also improve the latency of requests to your API by caching a response from upstream. If the API gateway cache has a fresh copy of the requested resource, it uses that copy to satisfy the request directly instead of making a request to the endpoint. If the cached data is not found, the request travels to the intended upstream services.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

API fault handling

API services may fail due to any number of reasons. In such scenarios, your API service must be resilient enough to deal with predictable failures. You also want to ensure that any resilience mechanisms you have in place work properly. This includes error handling code, circuit breakers, health checks, fallbacks, redundancy, and so on. Modern API gateways support all the most common error-handling features, including automatic retries and timeouts.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

An API gateway acts as an orchestrator that can use a status report to decide how to manage traffic, send load balances to a healthy node, and can fail fast. It can also alert you when something goes wrong. An API gateway also ensures that routing and other network-level components work together successfully to deliver a request to the API process. It helps you detect a problem in the early stage, and to fix issues. A fault injection mechanism (like the one Apache APISIX uses) at the API gateway level can be used to test the resiliency of an application or microservices API against various forms of failures.

API versioning

This refers to having the ability to define and run multiple concurrent versions of an API. This is particularly important, because an API evolves over time. Having the ability to manage concurrent versions of an API enables API consumers to incrementally switch to newer versions of an API. This means older versions can be deprecated and ultimately retired. This is important because an API, just like any other software application, should be able to evolve either in support of new features or in response to bug fixes.

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(Bobur Umurzokov, CC BY-SA 4.0)

You can use an API gateway to implement API versioning. The versioning can be a header, query parameter, or path.

Gateway to APISIX

If you want to scale your API services, you need an API gateway. The Apache APISIX project provides essential features for a robust entrypoint, and its benefits are clear. It aligns with an API-Led architecture, and is likely to transform the way your clients interact with your hosted services.

This article has been adapted and republished from the Apache APISIX blog with the author's permission.

Adopt an API-Led architecture with Apache APISIX.

Microservices Networking What to read next This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License. Register or Login to post a comment.

How to Share Your Gnome Desktop Screen in Fedora

Tecmint - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 15:31
The post How to Share Your Gnome Desktop Screen in Fedora first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides .

At some point, you might need to share the Fedora desktop screen (GNOME) desktop with other users for one reason or the other. There are multiple remote desktop-sharing applications that can help you achieve

The post How to Share Your Gnome Desktop Screen in Fedora first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides.

10 Myths About GNU/Linux Operating System

Tecmint - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 14:01
The post 10 Myths About GNU/Linux Operating System first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides .

Brief: In this guide, we discuss some of the GNU Linux myths and misconceptions which have been going on for a while. If you are getting started with Linux or have been using it

The post 10 Myths About GNU/Linux Operating System first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides.

Linux 6.2-rc3 Released - "Starting To Look A Lot More Normal"

Phoronix - Mon, 01/09/2023 - 02:55
Linus Torvalds released Linux 6.2-rc3 a few hours early today and noted that things are "starting to look a lot more normal" in terms of the code churn for this stage of the Linux 6.2 development cycle now that the holiday period has passed...
