Zimbra Appoints UR Solutions as Partner

Zimbra the leader in Open S­ource Messaging and Collaboration has just appointed UR Solutions to be its partner to help market and support the Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS), one of the hottest open source software products available today. A proud user of the fantastic new product for the past few months, UR Solutions believes they will be the perfect partner to market ZCS as one of their premier open source ­solutions. The ZCS has been eating up the market share of its closest rivals MS Exchange and Lotus Notes for the past year, with over 9,000,000 paid subscribers around the world. UR Solutions plans to market the ZCS as a superior alternative to the other proprietary messaging and collaboration products that dominate the marketplace locally. For more information about Zimbra and the ZCS,
visit their website at www.zimbra.com or contact UR Solutions.