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Updated: 1 hour 56 min ago

How to use MapTool to build an interactive dungeon RPG

Tue, 06/18/2019 - 15:02

In my previous article on MapTool, I explained how to download, install, and configure your own private, open source virtual tabletop so you and your friends can play a role-playing game (RPG) together. MapTool is a complex application with lots of features, and this article demonstrates how a game master (GM) can make the most of it.

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A beginner's guide to Linux permissions

Tue, 06/18/2019 - 15:01

One of the main benefits of Linux systems is that they are known to be less prone to security vulnerabilities and exploits than other systems. Linux definitely gives users more flexibility and granular controls over its file systems' security permissions. This may imply that it's critical for Linux users to understand security permissions. That isn't necessarily true, but it's still wise for beginning users to understand the basics of Linux permissions. 

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Why your workplace arguments aren't as effective as you'd like

Tue, 06/18/2019 - 15:00

Transparent, frank, and often contentious arguments are part of life in an open organization. But how can we be sure those conversations are productive—not destructive?

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5 transferable higher-education skills

Mon, 06/17/2019 - 15:49

My transition from a higher-education professional into the tech realm was comparable to moving from a pond into an ocean. There was so much to learn, and after learning, there was still so much more to learn!

Rather than going down the rabbit hole and being overwhelmed by what I did not know, in the last two to three months, I have been able to take comfort in the realization that I was not entirely out of my element as a developer. The skills I acquired during my six years as a university professional gave me the foundation to be successful in the developer role.

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Use ImageGlass to quickly view JPG images as a slideshow

Mon, 06/17/2019 - 15:48

Welcome to today’s episode of "How Can I Make This Work?" In my case, I was trying to view a folder of JPG images as a slideshow on Windows 10. As often happens, I turned to open source to solve the issue.

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What's your favorite "dead" language?

Mon, 06/17/2019 - 15:00

We recently asked our writers this question: what's your favorite "dead" language? Some of the responses were not at all what we were expecting. For starters, perhaps we should have specified that we were asking about programming languages.

"Latin." —Chris Short

"Middle English. Pre-Chaucer, really (which feels a little modern). Something like Malory's 'Le Morte D'Arthur' is about right." —Mike Bursell

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What is a Java constructor?

Fri, 06/14/2019 - 15:51

Java is (disputably) the undisputed heavyweight in open source, cross-platform programming. While there are many great cross-platform frameworks, few are as unified and direct as Java.

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Learning by teaching, and speaking, in open source

Fri, 06/14/2019 - 15:35

"Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August."

When Jenny Han wrote these words, I doubt she had the open source community in mind. Yet, for our group of dispersed nomads, the summer brings a wave of conferences that allow us to connect in person.

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A data-centric approach to patching systems with Ansible

Fri, 06/14/2019 - 15:35

When you're patching Linux machines these days, I could forgive you for asking, "How hard can it be?" Sure, a yum update -y will sort it for you in a flash.

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Open hardware for musicians and music lovers: Headphone, amps, and more

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 15:02

The world is full of great open source music players, but why stop at using open source just to play music? You can also use open source hardware to make music. All of the instruments described in this article are certified by the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA). That means you are free to build upon them, remix them, or do anything else with them.

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