Open-source News

Krita 4.3 Released For This Leading Open-Source Digital Painting Application

Phoronix - Thu, 06/18/2020 - 18:54
Krita 4.3 is out today as the latest major feature release for this popular digital painting program. More than one thousand issues were fixed in this release plus introducing plenty of new functionality...

How to Cache Content in NGINX

Tecmint - Thu, 06/18/2020 - 16:21
NGINX being a consolidated open-source, high-performance web server that speeds up content and application delivery, enhances security, and improve scalability. One of the most common use cases of Nginx is a Content Caching, which...

7 signs of a great open source project manager - Thu, 06/18/2020 - 15:01

Project managers go by various names—for example, scrum master, delivery manager, and project coordinator—and have various styles. Yet they all have the same root objectives: to coordinate their team's work as well as that of external and internal teams and to remove any blockers that could hinder a project's implementation. Each project manager has a unique management style, but there are some universal traits that make a great project manager stand out.

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Play with virtual Legos using open source tools - Thu, 06/18/2020 - 15:00

My childhood consisted of about 20% Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and 80% Legos, with a pretty strong crossover of the two. I wasn't allowed to actually play D&D for a variety of reasons, but through some mental acrobatics worthy of a level 15 rogue, I determined that building AD&D characters didn't count as playing, and recreating Dragonlance in Lego form was a pretty good approximation of the game.

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RADV+ACO Lands FP16 Features - One Step Closer To Making ACO The Default

Phoronix - Thu, 06/18/2020 - 12:02
The Mesa Radeon Vulkan "RADV" driver's ACO shader compiler back-end has merged its FP16 related bits and in turn putting the ACO back-end very close to being enabled by default for this open-source AMD Vulkan driver...
