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Updated: 1 hour 26 min ago

Open source alternative for multi-factor authentication: privacyIDEA

Fri, 03/13/2020 - 15:00

Two-factor authentication, or multi-factor authentication, is not a topic only for nerds anymore. Many services on the internet provide it, and many end-users demand it. While the average end-user might only realize that his preferred web site either offers MFA or it does not, there is more to it behind the scene.

The two-factor market is changing, and changing rapidly. New authentication methods arise, classical vendors are merging, and products have disappeared.

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Introducing the guide to getting started with the Raspberry Pi

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 15:03

The first personal computer I purchased with my own money was a Packard Bell, back in the mid-1990s. What I remember about that computer was that for US$ 1,500, I had an Intel Pentium processor with a few megabytes of RAM, a modem to connect to my dial-up internet, and no other devices for internet connectivity.

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Make SSL certs easy with k3s

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 15:03

In a previous article, we deployed a couple of simple websites on our k3s cluster. There were non-encrypted sites. Now that's fine, and they work, but non-encrypted is very last century! These days most websites are encrypted. In this article, we are going to install cert-manager and use it to deploy TLS encrypted sites on our cluster.

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How to write effective documentation for your open source project

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 15:00

Unfortunately, good code won't speak for itself. Even the most elegantly designed and well-written codebase that solves the most pressing problem in the world won't just get adopted on its own. You, the open source creator, need to speak for your code and breathe life into your creation. That's where technical writing and documentation come in.

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Directing Kubernetes traffic with Traefik

Wed, 03/11/2020 - 15:03

In this article, we will deploy a couple of simple websites and learn how to ingress traffic from the outside world into our cluster using Traefik. After that, we will learn how to remove Kubernetes resources as well. Let’s get started!

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Setting yourself up for success while working remotely

Wed, 03/11/2020 - 15:01

Remote work is not easy. While there are perks to being remote, it is a mind-shift and takes some getting used to. Talk to anybody that works remotely, and they will likely tell you some of the biggest challenges of remote work are feeling disconnected and a loss of regime. Here are my tips gathered from 10 years as a remote worker on how to set yourself and your team up to work remotely successfully.

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What you need to know about variables in Emacs

Wed, 03/11/2020 - 15:00

GNU Emacs is written in C and Emacs Lisp (Elisp), a dialect of the Lisp programming language. Because it's a text editor that happens to be an Elisp sandbox, it is helpful to understand how basic programming concepts work in Elisp.

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How to install pip to manage PyPI packages easily

Wed, 03/11/2020 - 15:00

Python is a powerful and popular programming language with many packages that are useful for general programming, data science, and many other things. These packages are not included with the Python installation, so you have to download, install, and manage them separately. All of these packages (libraries and frameworks) are stored in a central repository called the Python Package Index, or PyPI for short. This is where pip (short for Preferred Installer Program), Python's package manager, comes into the picture.

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Containers vs. VMs, Istio in production, and more industry news

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 22:45

As part of my role as a senior product marketing manager at an enterprise software company with an open source development model, I publish a regular update about open source community, market, and industry trends for product marketers, managers, and other influencers. Here are five of my and their favorite articles from that update.

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Drop Bash for fish shell to get beautiful defaults

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:03

I am one of those people who immediately opens a terminal window after my computer boots up. It's not out of necessity at this point, but the habit is there. I spent most of my career learning its magical incantations, and I find navigating through my daily tasks on the terminal makes for a more enjoyable day at work. That all said, it's nice to try something new once in a while.

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Run Kubernetes on a Raspberry Pi with k3s

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:03

For a long time, I've been interested in building a Kubernetes cluster out of a stack of inexpensive Raspberry Pis. Following along with various tutorials on the web, I was able to get Kubernetes installed and working in a three Pi cluster. However, the RAM and CPU requirements on the master node overwhelmed my Pi. This caused poor performance when doing various Kubernetes tasks. It also made an in-place upgrade of Kubernetes impossible.

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13 reads to save for later: An open organization roundup

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:00

The open organization community is spoiling us.

For months, writers have been showering us with multiple, ongoing series of articles, all focused on different dimensions of open organizational theory and practice. That's led to to a real embarrassment of riches—so many great pieces, so little time to catch them all.

So let's take moment to reflect. If you missed one (or several) now's your chance to catch up.

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Getting started with Emacs

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:00

Many people say they want to learn Emacs, but many of them shy away after the briefest encounter. It's not because Emacs is bad or even that complex. The problem, I believe, is that people don't actually want to learn Emacs; they want to be comfortable with Emacs traditions. They want to understand the arcane keyboard shortcuts and unfamiliar terminology. They want to use Emacs as they believe it's "meant to be used."

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Level up your use of Helm on Kubernetes with Charts

Mon, 03/09/2020 - 15:03

Applications are complex collections of code and configuration that have a lot of nuance to how they are installed. Like all open source software, they can be installed from source code, but most of the time users want to install something simply and consistently. That’s why package managers exist in nearly every operating system, which manages the installation process.

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How to make LibreOffice templates to save time

Mon, 03/09/2020 - 15:01

LibreOffice templates save you time by making it easy to open a blank copy of documents you use often, such as budgets, form letters, and slideshow presentations. This not only serves as a quick and easy starting point for repetitive work, but it can also ensure consistency when working in groups or in a large organization. LibreOffice ships with some templates already available, but you can also create your own.

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6 Raspberry Pi tutorials to try out

Mon, 03/09/2020 - 15:00

There's nothing like the thrill of experiencing the result of your Raspberry Pi creation. After hours of coding, testing, and building with your bare hands, your project starts to finally take shape and you can’t help but yell "woohoo!." I’m fascinated by the possibilities of what the Raspberry Pi can bring to daily life. Whether you are looking to learn something new, try a productivity hack, or just have fun, there is a Raspberry Pi project for you in this round-up. 

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How many Raspberry Pis do you own?

Sun, 03/08/2020 - 15:00

The Raspberry Pi is so accessible and affordable, and that means it can be easy to start a collection, even unintentionally. There are now nine different boards available, and amazingly all of them are still useful for something. Being so low-powered and easy to maintain, they have a surprisingly long shelf life, and a continual ability to keep working on whatever set of tasks it's been set up to do.

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Compose music as code using Sonic Pi

Sat, 03/07/2020 - 16:00

Maybe you're like me, and you learned a musical instrument when you were in school. For me, it was the piano, and later, the viola. However, I've always held that, as my childhood interests shifted towards computers and coding, I subsequently neglected my music practice. I do wonder what I would have done if I'd had something like Sonic Pi when I was younger. Sonic Pi is an open source program that lets you compose and perform music through code itself. It's the perfect marriage of those two worlds.

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How I learned about burnout the hard way

Fri, 03/06/2020 - 21:25

In early 2017, I was mentally in a bad spot. It was the perfect storm of stress, the kind that no one asks for, but you deal with the hand you're dealt. Work was piling up to a point where I couldn't process all the things that were expected of me. I was training for spring half-marathons, which should have been stress relief, but I was putting too much pressure on myself to perform at a high level.

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Make Git easy with Git Cola

Fri, 03/06/2020 - 16:01

Git is a Linux command to help you manage versions of your work. It's been ported to BSD, macOS, Windows, and more. It serves as the basis for popular code-hosting services, including open source services like GitLab and NotABug, and even to popular proprietary services. In short, Git has taken software development (and a few other industries) by storm.

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