An introduction to Hyperledger Fabric
One of the biggest projects in the blockchain industry, Hyperledger, is comprised of a set of open source tools and subprojects. It's a global collaboration hosted by The Linux Foundation and includes leaders in different sectors who are aiming to build a robust, business-driven blockchain framework.
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Navigating Ansible documentation, automating patching, virtualization, and more news
In this third edition of Ansible Around The Web, we've a delicious spread of ops-related YouTube content, and in the blogs section, guides to virtualization with oVirt and help navigating the extensive Ansible documentation.
If you spot an interesting Ansible story on your travels, please send us the link via Mark on Twitter, and the Ansible Community team will curate the best submissions.
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Why I use Java
I believe I started using Java in 1997, not long after Java 1.1 saw the light of day. Since that time, by and large, I've really enjoyed programming in Java; although I confess these days, I'm as likely to be found writing Groovy scripts as "serious code" in Java.
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Top take-aways from DevOps World 2019
In August, I had the opportunity to join more than 2,000 people gathered in San Francisco for DevOps World 2019. Following are some of the most newsworthy announcements from the 150 breakout sessions and 16 workshops held over the four-day event.
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Why support open source? Strategies from around the world
There are many excellent resources available to teach you how to run an open source project—how to set up the collaboration tools, how to get the community engaged, etc. But there is much less out there about open source strategy; that is, about how to use well-considered open source investments to support an overall mission.
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Google opens Android speech transcription and gesture tracking, Twitter's telemetry tooling, Blender's growing adoption, and more news
In this edition of our open source news roundup, we take a look two open source releases from Google, Twitter's latest observability tooling, anime studio adopts Blender, and more!
11 surprising ways you use Linux every day
Linux runs almost everything these days, but many people are not aware of that. Some might be aware of Linux and might have heard that this operating system runs supercomputers. According to Top500, Linux now powers the five-hundred fastest computers in the world. Go to their site and search for "Linux" to see the results for yourself.
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Change your Linux terminal color theme
If you spend most of your day staring into a terminal, it's only natural that you want it to look pleasing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and terminals have come a long way since the days of CRT serial consoles. So, the chances are good that your software terminal window has plenty of options to theme what you see—however you define beauty.
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7 rules for remote-work sanity
I work remotely and have done so on and off for a good percentage of the past 10 to 15 years. I'm lucky that I'm in a role where this suits my responsibilities, and in a company that is set up for it. Not all roles—those with many customer onsite meetings or those with a major service component—are suited to remote working, of course. But it's clear that an increasing number of organisations are considering having at least some of their workers doing so remotely.
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Variables in PowerShell
In computer science (and casual computing), a variable is a location in memory that holds arbitrary information for later use. In other words, it’s a temporary storage container for you to put data into and get data out of. In the Bash shell, that data can be a word (a string, in computer lingo) or a number (an integer).
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SparkFun continues to innovate thanks to open source hardware
When SparkFun Electronics founder and CEO Nathan Seidle was an engineering student at the University of Colorado, he was taught, "Real engineers come up with an idea and patent that idea." However, his experience with SparkFun, which he founded from his college apartment in 2003, is quite the opposite.
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What is an Object in Java?
Java is an object-oriented programming language, which views the world as a collection of objects that have both properties and behavior. Java's version of object-orientedness is pretty straightforward, and it's the basis for almost everything in the language. Because it's so essential to Java, I'll explain a bit about what's under the covers to help anyone new to the language.
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Managing Ansible environments on MacOS with Conda
If you are a Python developer using MacOS and involved with Ansible administration, you may want to use the Conda package manager to keep your Ansible work separate from your core OS and other local projects.
Ansible is based on Python. Conda is not required to make Ansible work on MacOS, but it does make managing Python versions and package dependencies easier. This allows you to use an upgraded Python version on MacOS and keep Python package dependencies separate between your system, Ansible, and other programming projects.
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Introduction to the Linux chmod command
Every object on your Linux system has a permission mode that describes what actions a user can perform on it. There are three types of permissions: read (r), write (w), and execute (x).
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What are environment variables in Bash?
Environment variables contain information about your login session, stored for the system shell to use when executing commands. They exist whether you’re using Linux, Mac, or Windows. Many of these variables are set by default during installation or user creation.
While environment variables apply to all modern systems, this article specifically addresses environment variables in the Bash shell on Linux, BSD, Mac, and Cygwin.
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A dozen ways to learn Python
Python is one of the most popular programming languages on the planet. It's embraced by developers and makers everywhere. Most Linux and MacOS computers come with a version of Python pre-installed, and now even a few Windows computer vendors are installing Python too.
Maybe you're late to the party, and you want to learn but don't know where to turn. These 12 resources will get you started and well on your way to proficiency with Python.
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Why Spinnaker matters to CI/CD
It takes many tools to deliver an artifact into production. Tools for building and testing, tools for creating a deployable artifact like a container image, tools for authentication and authorization, tools for maintaining infrastructure, and more. Seamlessly integrating these tools into a workflow can be transformative for an engineering culture, but doing it yourself can be a tall order.
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6 crucial tips for leading a cross-functional team
So you've taken on the challenge of leading your first cross-functional project, one that requires voluntary effort from people across organizational functions to achieve its objective. Congratulations!
But amidst your excitement over the opportunity to prove yourself, you're also feeling anxious about how you're actually going to do it?
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Implementing edge computing, DevOps like car racing, and more industry trends
As part of my role as a senior product marketing manager at an enterprise software company with an open source development model, I publish a regular update about open source community, market, and industry trends for product marketers, managers, and other influencers. Here are five of my and their favorite articles from that update.
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